August 29th 2023- August 29th 2024
I wore an AXON police body camera for a full year and uploaded each day to Youtube. I lost many friends during this project, along with my job. Anyone was able to go onto the channel and hear what was said around me during that year. People operate with the assumption that certain things are private, and when that is taken away by the presence of an all seeing entity things get troublesome.
Managing the immense amount of data (approximately 60 gigabytes a day) was a big challenge. Every single day I had a rigorous and time consuming chore to make it available online. Firstly I would upload all the footage from the cameras onto one laptop that was partitioned as a windows PC. I then transferred it to my main computer, cut it into more manageable portions on After Effects and exported it. The final step was uploading it to Youtube. I would then have to scrub any copy written material the camera was exposed to. The whole process took around 6-8 hours a day.